Standing for life on the front lines



God is answering prayers on the sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood in Columbia.

Now that an appellate court has lifted an injunction against enforcement of two state laws that make abortion clinics safer for women, the Columbia Planned Parenthood has lost its license to perform abortions.

Prayers continue on the sidewalk for the mothers seeking referrals to the state’s only remaining abortion provider in St. Louis.

Participants in 40 Days for Life daily prayer vigils — some of whom have been taking part since the vigils began nine years ago — are praying for an end to abortion in Missouri and throughout the United States.

All life-affirming citizens of Central Missouri are invited to pray from home, fast and — for those who are physically able — to stand for LIFE at least one day in front of the abortion referral facility, Planned Parenthood, 711 N. Providence Rd, Columbia.

Prayer vigils take place daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Sunday, Nov. 4.

Two babies and moms in this campaign have been saved from abortion and sent to My Life Clinic for necessary help to bring their babies to term.

Kathy Forck and her husband Mike who have been coordinating Columbia 40 Days for Life since it began, said the prayer warriors on the sidewalk have stayed vigilant through joy and sorrow.

She said that when the first prayer vigil took place in 2009, the Columbia Planned Parenthood was carrying-out about 800 abortions per year.

“It’s really hard on us when they’re doing abortions here,” she said. “Everyone feels the pain, the suffering.”

Now, at least for the time being, there are none.

“We have been totally blessed and are totally grateful,” said Mrs. Forck. “We believe that God is the one in control and is listening to our prayers.

“He’s the One Who does it all,” she added. “We’re His servants out there doing His will and being a physical presence there to see what God can do when people ask.”

There have been times of great happiness during the periods when there was no available abortionist and babies lives were saved.

There has been dread and sorrow each time abortions resumed.

“You know, everybody is praying for an end to abortion,” she said. “They’re going to Mass and Adoration and praying
Rosaries, and that is very, very commendable.

“But until those feet hit that sidewalk with an intentional timeframe, God did not act in the way He has intervened since the prayer vigils began,” said Mrs. Forck.

Having people on the sidewalk has also opened local people’s eyes to the presence of an abortion provider in Columbia.

The only signs the prayer warriors carry on the days abortions are performed say, “We care. We can help.”

Some mothers accept information about the nearby My Life Clinic, which helps women choose life for their babies.

In this way, through presence, prayer and a word of encouragement, the people on the sidewalk are also the last line of defense for pre-born babies whose mothers are seeking abortions.

They are also the first face of compassionate mercy for mothers who choose abortion.

“Whenever a woman goes there for an abortion, we have to be there for her, from the beginning to the end,” said Mrs. Forck.

“We will keep praying until this place closes forever,” she stated.

Further information, go to or call Mrs. Forck at (573) 821-5130.
